23 July 1918: POW Graudenz

RAB diary Tuesday July 23, 1918, Graudenz: "parcels"
Tuesday, July 23, 1918: “parcels”

Tuesday, July 23rd.     Something has turned up.  Two R.A.F. parcels for me direct from Hannover, probably in answer to my postcard giving my new address; dated June 19th from England.  Jolly quick!  There must be several other parcels between May 31 and June 19 wandering round Karlsruhe and Landshut after me.  Distribution of a Red Cross parcel to every officer not yet in receipt of parcels.  Miller gets one.  You should just see the change in the spirits and in the faces of the fellows.  I’m glad mine are turning up.  It’s just fine to feel that the people at home are doing their best for us.  Swopped an oz. of baccy for a small piece of soap, the first English soap I’ve had for four months.  I have taken to a pipe and find it a great comfort; have written home for a good English pipe and some tobacco.  Can’t quite understand why a parcel, sent off on June 19th, should still be addressed to Hannover if my letters got home all right.

28 June 1918: POW Graudenz

Prisoner of war, Graudenz - dental hospital - June 28, 1918
Friday, June 28, 1918: “Visited dental hospital”

Friday June 28th.     Visited dental hospital.  They examined my teeth, and, as far as I could make out, determined to stop all three.  I was rather surprised.  I quite thought that my little ’erbert, my Landshut bugbear, was a goner.  Adjourned until another day.  Was remanded.
Waiting impatiently for letters and parcels: 3½ months since I’ve heard from home.

23 June 1918: POW Graudenz

Lt R.A. Burnard diary: WW1 Graudenz / Sunday, June 23, 1918
Sunday, June 23, 1918: Caraway seeds…

Sunday. June 23rd.     Got a microscopic issue of jolly good margarine, cheese and jam.  The cheese was a sort of cream cheese, but contained numbers of caraway seeds; which reminds me that almost all the soups and stews at Landshut contained more or less caraway.  The better civilian bread contains it too.
I noticed on the journey on Friday that even in big country houses, the bedding and mattresses are hung out of the top windows to air in the morning sun.
Very disappointed at not finding Hanna here.  Sent a postcard to Geneva asking that a wire should be sent home giving my change of address.

18 June 1918

Tuesday June 18th.     Heard last night that we’re to shift from here tomorrow, and all going to a Camp in Prussia.  Great excitement, squaring up of accounts, and last minute orders of frying pans, saucepans and the like.  Cheque written at Rastatt on May 6th not yet materialised.  Books ordered last Thursday fortnight not come.

16 June 1918

RA Burnard diary: June 16, 1918
Sunday, June 16, 1918: “Wouldn’t the Poor Bloody Infantry be pleased?”

Sunday June 16th     Heard rather a good one today.  One of our observers, locked into a room with several infantry officers, was the recipient of an apology from a German Flying Officer, who was sorry that he had been ‘herded in with those people’.  Wouldn’t the P.B.I. be pleased?

13 June 1918

THE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918. (Page 4, Col. 1)
THE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918. (Page 4, Col. 1)

Thursday, June 13th.     Got quite a shock today.  Saw my name & Hanna’s in the paper (the Times) of May 4th [May 3rd], as ‘missing’.  I should have thought that they would be bound to know at home before May 4th; for I sent a postcard to Geneva on April 14th – asking that a wire should be sent home to say I was safe.