1 April 1918

Monday April 1st, very appropriately.  All Fool’s Day, discovered 2 Frenchmen, 3 Tommies, & a Sergeant Major in same hut.  About 12 got first food since we were captured.  Some stew (uneatable) and a piece of black bread and meat each: My thoughts at this time were uncontrollable and went back irresistibly
(i). To the tea which had waited in vain since 6pm
(ii) To the only half eaten box of chocolates I had left on my table
(ii) To the full whisky flask I usually carried – and had left behind
About 2pm set out to walk to Bernes.  After 200 yards I gave it up and sat down at side of road.  Got a lift into Mons, and so was separated from Hanna whom I did not see for weeks, and then only for an hour.  Had my foot inspected at a Field Dressing Station in Mons (got a field p.c. off from here), and, as it was about twice the natural size, I got a lift with a lorry of wounded to a casualty clearing station behind Bellenglise.  After two hours wait there, a slice of bread and jam, and an inspection, it was decided that I was not wounded, and must walk to a British Officers Clearing Camp at Le Cateau, in charge of two NCO.s.  The N.C.Os. however, proved more merciful, and caught a lorry for me into Ramiecourt, a village where we stopped the night.  Coffee, bread, jam then.  Next morning, thence by three different train journeys one standing on the engine, and two in a carriage, to LeCateau.