17 Nov 1918: Graudenz

Sunday. Nov 17th.     Just 8 months since I left home coming back from leave, Sunday St Patrick’s Day.

The members of this camp and our hero in particular are feeling rather fed up today.  The first rumour was that we were leaving here today, the next Tuesday, the next Wednesday; last night we had it officially that we would not be leaving for at least 8 days if then.  Doesn’t sound very long I know, but at the end of 8 months (and such an 8 months) it seems interminable ages.

The camp is surrounded by hordes of school boys and girls and several grown ups and some Russians yelling England and Tommy &c.  This starts about 7 in the morning and goes on till dark.  We are always throwing out biscuits and stuff to them, but we’re getting a bit fed up with the unceasing noise.  Sounds like the parrot house at the zoo.

11 Nov 1918: Graudenz

Monday. Nov 11th.     It’s come!!  Germany is, in a quiet way, in a state of revolution.  We noticed it here only yesterday evening when we heard that one of our Lager officers had been set on by the mob, deprived of his badges of rank, and clothed in civilian trousers.  Today many of the guards have removed the eagle from the front of their helmets, all the officers and N.C.O.s have removed their epaulettes and badges of rank.  The Commandant, a major, appeared this morning in civilian attire, and officially handed over to us the parcel room.  We now get tins and parcels intact, and our letters uncensored.  The General has posted a notice asking that, in brief, we maintain the dignity of British officers, especially during the next few days – so that we do not hinder the arrangements for our repatriation.  The armistice terms have been agreed on; pretty stiff ones too, and one of them is our immediate repatriation.