Tuesday, July 23rd. Something has turned up. Two R.A.F. parcels for me direct from Hannover, probably in answer to my postcard giving my new address; dated June 19th from England. Jolly quick! There must be several other parcels between May 31 and June 19 wandering round Karlsruhe and Landshut after me. Distribution of a Red Cross parcel to every officer not yet in receipt of parcels. Miller gets one. You should just see the change in the spirits and in the faces of the fellows. I’m glad mine are turning up. It’s just fine to feel that the people at home are doing their best for us. Swopped an oz. of baccy for a small piece of soap, the first English soap I’ve had for four months. I have taken to a pipe and find it a great comfort; have written home for a good English pipe and some tobacco. Can’t quite understand why a parcel, sent off on June 19th, should still be addressed to Hannover if my letters got home all right.