Saturday. Sept 13 [14]. In the last 3 days I’ve had 4 clothes parcels, the two sent off somewhen in May, and two sent off in August. Everything is in beautiful condition. Not a crease in the slacks or tunics, despite the length of time en route. Everything is marked and labelled jolly sensibly, so that, even had the parcels been smashed, the things would have arrived O.K. Gee! I feel 200% better. Clean underclothes, slacks and light shoes and umpteen baths. There has been very little pleasure in having baths lately when I’ve had to put on the same old filthy underclothes.
11 Sept 1918: POW Graudenz
Wednesday. Sept
10th [11th]. The Restrictions have been removed, but our roll-calls have been increased to 3 per day instead of 2, at 9 am, 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. After the last roll call we are not allowed to visit the other block, nor to go down into the square at all. Rather rough!
8 Sept 1918: POW Graudenz

Sunday. Sept [8th]. Great excitement. For a long time (although I have naturally made no mention of it here) a tunnel has been in process of being built from a cellar under this block, under the double row of barbed wire, under the outside wall and all ready to open up in the shadow of the wall on a suitable night. I never had the chance of seeing it, but I believe it was made 2′6″ × 2′6″ and supported by hundreds of bed boards. It must have been a jolly well organised piece of work, for they had to dig through the foundations, some 3 feet of solid concrete, and then through sandy soil, which required propping every inch of it. Last night was the night chosen for the escape. I can’t give details even yet because they would be useful to the enemy. It was dark soon after nine. By 11 o’clock all of the parties, sixteen people in all, had gone through the tunnel and got clear in spite of the many guards and patrols actually outside here. Eight Flying Corps went, five Australians and three others. Three of them, the first party, all R.F.C. were recaptured almost at once. They said however that they were Tommies escaped from some other camp in Germany and so, all the other sentries being interested and attracted, the rest got clear away. Proper wind up here. The tunnel was discovered about 1am. Parties came round counting us in bed. They didn’t discover the correct number of those who had gone for there were dummies in the beds, some only of which were discovered. We had a parade about 8.30 and we were counted several times. Huge colossal gust up! General visited during parade. Commandant chronically perturbed. Saluted General literally 30 times during course of a short telling off. We are ordered to our rooms and not to come out except to draw grub and to attend parade. Except at those times we may not walk outside even for exercise, and we are not allowed our tins or parcels.7th
Tonight we held an indignation meeting against the unjust punishment. We refused to leave the parade ground after ‘appel’ but walked about, until scores of guards were turned out to chase us off. We roared with laughter and declined to move. Finally the guards fixed bayonets, and several of our fellows got nasty clouts from the butt-ends of their rifles. ‘Little Willy’ drew his sword, and is said to have ordered the guards to fire, which, fortunately, both for them and for us, they didn’t do. You should have heard the shout of laughter that went up when the guards fixed bayonets.
Later. A notice has been placed up saying that this punishment is on account, not of the escape, but of the continued noise after lights out. Obviously camouflage however! The noise, as the authorities well know, was made in collusion with the escapees, to draw the sentries away to the other block.
1 Sept 1918: POW Graudenz

Sunday. August 31st [September 1st]. Yesterday I got my cheque cashed – the cheque written on May 6 at Rastatt – so our refusal to pay did do good. Still, 3 months! Today I got a very long letter from Tootsie, jolly interesting, saying exactly how the news came through about me. Must have been pretty chronic for five weeks. Gerson and I are having quite a little local excitement on our own. Qui vivra, verra!
30 Aug 1918: POW Graudenz

Friday. August 30th. Got up at 6.30 and played with Miller a set of Badminton against two RFA merchants. Won after a topping game.
29 Aug 1918: POW Graudenz
Thursday. August 29th. Our combine of 4 scored heavily. Got 11 parcels between us. Duce 7. Miller 2. Myself 2.
25 Aug 1918: POW Graudenz

Sunday August 25th; Got a letter from Dad dated June 14, sent to Rastatt (although on June 12 he wrote to Karlsruhe). It seems that he thought I was inebriated when writing, and put April 23 instead of May 23 – since I also mentioned I had actually met Hanna, whereas in my p.c. from Karlsruhe I am hoping to find him soon. Excellent example of erroneous detective work, Dad. I’m glad they didn’t send the latest parcel of clothes to Rastatt, since both letters and parcels seem to get hung up there.
Got a Red Cross issue of a pair of pyjamas, a handkerchief, a collar and a shirt! My first clean clothes for 5 months. I shut up my socks in a suit case at night out of respect for the other members of the room. Think of it, same socks for five months, occasionally washed in cold water!!
23 Aug 1918: POW Graudenz
Friday August 23rd. Judged the game to be a draw. 6 – 6.
21 Aug 1918: POW Graudenz

Wednesday. August 21. Block II played Block I chess; 12 boards; played 2nd board, and won my game against Bewlay; score 5½ – 5½, and top game left to Bewlay and me to adjudicate.
18 Aug 1918: POW Graudenz

Sunday. August 18th. Went with Miller into a combination with Duce and Gerson, forming a quadruple alliance. Works excellently!